Milk 1 cup, condensed milk(milkmaid) 1 cup, Heavy cream 2 cups, vanilla essence 2 tspn, food color -green color and for strawberry flavour i used nesquik. This is optional, you can prepare without adding food color. I didn't add sugar, if you need more sweetness add powdered sugar.
In a bowl put all the ingredients , except food color. Using a hand mixer beat it for 1 minute, divide the mix into two. To one bowl i added nesquik strawberry flavour, and to the other one added green food color.
Now beat them until it becomes double, atleast for 2-3 minutes. Pour this mix to air tight containers and keep in freezer for min 5 hrs.
Once set, you can serve with toppings of your choice. I added chocolate chips and some strawberry jam as topping.
This came out perfect, exactly like store bought, not at all flaky. Enjoy!
Milk 1 cup, condensed milk(milkmaid) 1 cup, Heavy cream 2 cups, vanilla essence 2 tspn, food color -green color and for strawberry flavour i used nesquik. This is optional, you can prepare without adding food color. I didn't add sugar, if you need more sweetness add powdered sugar.
In a bowl put all the ingredients , except food color. Using a hand mixer beat it for 1 minute, divide the mix into two. To one bowl i added nesquik strawberry flavour, and to the other one added green food color.
Now beat them until it becomes double, atleast for 2-3 minutes. Pour this mix to air tight containers and keep in freezer for min 5 hrs.
Once set, you can serve with toppings of your choice. I added chocolate chips and some strawberry jam as topping.
This came out perfect, exactly like store bought, not at all flaky. Enjoy!